LSoft Technologies Partner's Program

LSoft Technologies Inc. is looking for Partners from all around the world to resell its products. Upon joining the OEM partner's program, you will have the ability to combine our products with your own software applications or hardware solutions.

Benefits for Software Resellers


We offer our partners discounts from 15% to 50% off list price. Special discounts are available for educational institutions.

Online Access

Access to an online Partner's page is provided to place orders quickly. Available 24/7.

OEM Partnership

Software or hardware vendors, that will embed Active@ technology within their products, and will sell the combined product offering to their customers are getting:

  • Extremely low pricing based on significant volumes.
  • A company's identity, such as look or logo, can be implemented into the software.
  • Customizations. Additional functions may be built-in to the product by demand.

Our customers: